In Anti & Politica

Siete tutti invitati Venerdì 13 Agosto 2021 a Cesenatico dalle ore 20.30 in Piazza Andrea Costa per una serata in piazza con Leonardo Facco

No a qualunque obbligo o ricatto

Libertà di scelta…..SEMPRE


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  • Fabio Colasanti
    Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)

    Internist, cardiologist, and Professor of #Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “#Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with #SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 35 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill

  • Fabio Colasanti

    questo è il professore del texas citato da Leonardo:
    “McCullough is a founder and current president of the Cardio Renal Society of America[5][9] and co-editor-in-chief of the Society’s journal, Cardiorenal Medicine[10] and editor of the journal Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.[11][12] He has conducted several studies on running and heart disease,[13] and co-described the term Phidippides cardiomyopathy, a heart condition found in some high endurance athletes.[14][15] Other research has included the relationship between heart disease and kidney disease[16] and risk factors for heart disease.[17] He is a member of the conservative-leaning non-profit advocacy group Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.[18][3]

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCullough advocated for early treatment including hydroxychloroquine,[19][20] criticized the response of the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration,[19] and dissented from public health recommendations.[21][22][23] “

  • Alessandro Colla

    Mi auguro che ci siano delle videoriprese con un buon audio e che vengano pubblicate sul sito per ascoltare l’intervento di Leonardo.

    • Fabio Colasanti

      eccolo Alessandro, almeno fin quando non lo censureranno:

      • Alessandro Colla

        Grazie, Fabio. Mi permetto di segnalare una piccola inesattezza storica, non per atteggiarmi a sapiente ma perché i cialtroni approfittano di una normale svista linguistica per farneticare di loro stessi autoincensandosi come i soli conoscitori di tutto: Re Sole era l’appellativo di Luigi quattordicesimo, non di colui (il sedicesimo, suo nipote) che venne ghigliottinato.

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